Thursday, May 26, 2016

What he's been up to.

He taught a class at the BAM (Blacksmiths Association of Missouri) conference. The class was on making Suffolk latches. It was a class for advanced students. 

He did a demonstration for Prairie elementary school in Mission Hills, Kansas. It was their sesquicentennial celebration. 

Our friend Margie demonstrated broom making on the equipment her husband Phil made, Yes made from scratch! (She will love seeing her name in print)

We had a famous hammer maker at our house for dinner (Sorry Bev I didn't get your picture). Nathan makes the finest hammers way up in Minnesota!  Check out Jackpine Forge on Facebook.

Here is the blacksmith's favorite from Nathan. 

This is about an 17 inch cross. It will hang perfectly on the wall, but for a funeral he came up with a stand. The cross sells for $35, the stand $15. (There is a smaller version available too.) I took it to a local florist and had the real flowers added.

A few days later this one was made up using artificial flowers. Both of them are beautiful. 

We attended the AACB conference in Tennessee (Appalachian Area Chapter of Blacksmiths) last weekend. Here is Susan Hutchinson working on a goat head.

Our friend Pattie entered the forging contest. What a hoot that was cheering her on.

I found this sign in the tail gating section at the conference. Score one for me!

Until next time!